Greetings, compliments, good wishes, and acknowledgements |
My personal greetings to the following people for their presence in my daily life and for making this site possible, Thanks!
Jesse Alter William Arias
Tomás Carvajal
Dan Dyer
Rotem Eisenthal
Dennis Gregory
Jon Holmes
Brandon King
Jeri L Mariano López
Jonathan Maltz Esteban Monge
Devin Palladino Peri David Politis Sam Prashker Chris Priede
Emil Rundberg
Nate Salas
Petri Trebilcock
Dean Veritiero
Jay Zeach Shawn Zivontsis
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You only live as long as the last person who remembers you.
I never will forget those nights. I wonder if it was a dream?
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©2024 Jonathan Kay. Thank you for flying jonathanKay.com.