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Jonathan Kay


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Everything you ever wanted to know about Jonathan Kay
Jonathan Francis Sedore Kay
Sex: Male
Age: 35
Location: Kitchener, ON, Canada
Nickname: TReKiE
Favourite Colour: Blue ("TReKiE Blue")
Favourite Game: Rise of Nations
What I do: Fix problems and build solutions by pulling apart software to see how it works
Personal accomplishments: Microsoft MVP for Internet Explorer (1998-2000), Microsoft MVP for MSN Messenger, Windows Messenger, Windows Live Messenger (2001-2011), reviving Messenger, Microsoft Technical beta tester (1998-2015), being part of a patent, Grade 8 Piano and Grade 2 Music Theory with Honours
Biggest disappointment: Not redesigning this website for the modern age

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Things get worse under pressure.

You will never know, what it's like to be here, what it's like to be me
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