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Customize your jonathanKay.com experience!

One of the many features of jonathanKay.com is the ability to customize various aspects of the site to your preferences.

Add/Remove Bars:
You can customize which "Bars" you see on the right-hand side of jonathanKay.com.  To do so, click the "Add/Remove Bars" link located on any page under the 'Tasks' heading on the top right-hand side bar.  Then in the window that appears, check or uncheck the "Bars" you wish to see, and click the Add/Remove button.  If you make a mistake or wish to cancel changing your "Bars", click the Cancel button.

Countdown Bar:
If you have the Countdown Bar shown (see the Add/Remove Bars above for instructions on turning on the Countdown Bar), you can customize it to show one of the built-in countdowns (for instance, to the end of the year) or your own date/time.  To do so, simply click the "Customize Countdown" link under the Countdown Bar located on the right-hand side of any page.  Then in the window that appears, choose either a built-in countdown using the top drop-down, or start modifying the Year, Month, Day, or Time fields for a custom countdown.  After you've chosen your built-in countdown or created a custom countdown (be sure to name it!), click the Save Countdown button.  If you make a mistake or wish to cancel customizing your countdown, click the Cancel button.

Mouse Trails:
Although some users prefer the mouse trails on, you may want to turn them off.  To do so, simply click the "Turn off mouse trails" link in the Tasks Bar on the right-hand side of any page.  If you prefer to turn them back on later, simply click the "Turn on mouse trails" link in the same location where the Turn Off option was located.

Browser Detection:
Depending on what browser you're currently using, you may have seen a Browser Detection message located on the front page of jonathanKay.com.  To turn this message off, simply click the "Don't show this message again" link located under the message.

All these customization features of jonathanKay.com are stored in your browser by utilizing cookies.  A cookie is a small file which a website can store specific information (text-only) on your hard drive which only you, or the jonathanKay.com website can read.  If you are not allowing cookies in your browser, none of these customization features will function and only the defaults will be shown.

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Things get worse under pressure.

Say you will, Say you might, But please dont say goodbye tonight
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