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Bugs in IE6 PP

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Sound previews (hover over a sound file in explorer) are no longer shown in the explorer web view. Reported in Windows 2000

Breaks existing components e.g. Windows Automatic Update reports failure -- "IE6 is being upgraded for Automatic Updates"

Outlook 2000 MSNBC Digital Dashboard no longer functions

Under Search Bar>Customize>Lookup a word, uncheck Encarta option and retain Merriam-Webster under the Dictionary options. Choose the 'Look up a word' button in the search bar, and check the drop down list, the first choice in which is "Encyclopedia". This seems pointless since it's already been specified not to look up words in Encarta. Also in IE5.5

The folder window in Windows Explorer now shows a "+" next to each local disk directory, even when there are no sub-directories for that folder.